
Monday, 21 March 2011





  1. ok...take care about my BMW¡¡¡
    different countries eh¡
    Cape Town

  2. Solid super fajne zdjecia :) bardzo mi sie podobaja, czuc swiezosc spojrzenia w nich :) wyjscie z poprzedniej formy skupienia na detalu :) pozdrowienia z Tajlandii :)

  3. Has the Muizenberg Community Safety Committee ascertained whether you're "bad news" or not yet? ;)

  4. Is "Grit" a woman? Or someone armed with lots of tiny stones, to throw at the "bad news faces"?

  5. :)

    grit is a local security company (one of two), or as they call it, "law enforcement", company. the other one is called "mountain men" and has a bad rep for beating the shit out of people - but still, much better name, eh? :)

    people sometimes do greet me so i hope i'm one of the acceptable faces rather than the bad ones!

  6. That notice does also read a bit like a list of "top tips for wannabe criminals":

    - "why not try breaking in to these shops here? they're easy";

    - "need a new mobile? rob people here";

    - "fancy trying out your verbal abuse skills? annoy those semi-intellectual public library users";

    - "or for the easily scared or those who just want to dabble with very minor anti-social crime, why not have a piss in the subway - in fact, it is the only public toilet in the area - it's even useful!"

    that sign is crying out for a parody of it to be distributed. but Grit might turn up and get you, and I once worked with a person called Grit, and she wasn't to be messed with. lots of makeup and a very stern (yet very colourful) hairstyle ;)
